Support Worker Jobs in

Our Support Worker jobs in Surrey offer great pay + hours that suit you. Bring your caring attitude and be amazing!

  • Full or part time work available
  • Flexible & guaranteed hours
  • Work in Surrey & nearby
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Support Worker jobs in Aldershot
Pay & perks

Enjoy great perks with our Support Worker jobs in Surrey, including:

  • Great pay - competitive rates
  • Training to develop & grow
  • Flexibility + local work
  • Discounts for all staff
  • Paid holiday
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What you'll do

Our Support Worker jobs in Surrey are different every day! You'll travel around and surrounding areas to help clients with:

  • Getting to college, day opportunities & work – being supportive
  • Attending social activities to meet new people
  • Going on day trips and holidays to the beach, fun parks
  • Building new skills in all areas of daily life – teaching and supporting
  • Supporting personal care and medication - creating routines, maintaining good hygiene
  • Getting ready for the day to look and feel good
  • Support with shopping – budgeting, meal prep and essentials
  • Preparing meals and looking after the home – ensuring a healthy diet and home is well maintained
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What you'll need

Make a difference everyday to people’s lives by enabling them to reach their goals and live as independently as possible. You’ll work with our fun and outgoing team who’ll support you every step of the way.

You don’t need to have any previous experience supporting people with learning disabilities to apply for a Disability Support Worker job in Surrey. We’ll provide you with all the training you need to deliver the best quality support. Just bring your enthusiasm to learn.

We also have many optional training courses and apprenticeship programmes to help you level up in your career! We want to help you to become the best Disability Support Worker you can be.

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Quick questions
What is the average salary of a Support Worker job?

We offer competitive pay. To find out how much you could earn as a Support Worker in Surrey, we recommend chatting with our Recruitment Team. This is because our jobs are flexible, so pay rates vary according to the hours you work.

How many Support Worker jobs are you recruiting for right now?

Our Surrey Team is always looking for kind and caring people to join them. Apply today.

Do you have any other types of job available?

We do! If you'd like to apply for a different position, visit our Locations page.

Do you offer part-time Support Worker jobs?

All Support Worker positions in Surrey are permanent but we offer flexible contract options as well as guaranteed hours, full-time and part-time contracts. After you apply, our Recruitment Team will call you and discuss the options available in Surrey.

Do I need experience?

Bring your caring and can do attitude and we'll provide the rest through our professional Training Team training. It is also helpful to have a driving licence and access to a vehicle. You also need the right to work in the UK.

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